The double flower, semi-double on young specimens, opens rose-pink. The bright pigments are clean throughout, eventually paler in the sun imparting frosted edges on mature petals. Broad outer guards surround layers of petal segments that grade successively smaller toward the center of remnant stamens and pale green carpels tipped with pink stigmas. These stamens and gynoecium are entirely obscured in fully formed double flowers. The softly fragrant flower is of good substance and a pleasing, well-tailored form. Flower buds are cone-shaped with overlapping petals giving a scaled appearance as they develop toward an opened flower. The bush is vigorous and of good increase, growing a large clump within a few years of planting. It is a dependable bloomer with ample color on a substantial, medium height bush. One flower with an occasional side bud is borne on a long stem and presented relatively high above the foliage. The leaves are quite large, especially the bottom leaves may grow up to 6 inches long and 2¾ inches wide. The young foliage is of a washed burgundy shade that appears to be varnished in a bronze color gloss. This early color is quite durable and remains until the buds reach the halfway point toward the opened flower. The fully mature foliage is semi-glossy, deep green and remains healthy for most of the growing season. The long stems are erect and self-supporting. The bush keeps its form quite well against inclement weather events and staking is not needed under normal growing conditions. This early midseason flowering peony furnishes fine stems for the vase at a time of the year most doubles are not yet flowering. It is a fabulous choice for the cut flower garden and the mixed flower border.
Awards, Best Use & Distinctions
Best Landscaper®; Our Own Peonies; fragrant; general garden and landscape use; perennial border; deer resistant.
Basic Growing Requirements
Full Sun. Water as needed, sensitive to overwatering and waterlog conditions. Soil pH 6.5-7. Fertile, well-draining soil.
The image(s) above shows the actual cultivar named and described on this page. The pictures are a fair and accurate depiction of the flowers as they are, in vivo, and are not staged or altered otherwise. The descriptions are based on our experience with plants that are grown by us here in NW Missouri.