
Wholesale List

The 2025 list is now available.

Click the button to access the wholesale list.

Our wholesale assortment is available to U.S. licensed horticulture businesses and professionals in the nursery and landscape trade. Our wholesale varieties are separate from our retail listings and can be found by logging into a approved online wholesale account.


To register, all wholesale customers must meet U.S. IRS and State of Missouri requirements and must be registered and be approved prior to accessing this information. What is needed to register?

  • A completed and signed hard copy IRS form W-9. (requires an EIN) Please do not include a social security number.
  • A completed and signed hard copy Missouri Department of Revenue form MO-149. (Applies to all states)
  • A online account (account registration).

Both MO-149 and W-9 forms must be dated and signed and both copies emailed to [email protected]. The W-9 is to be complete with an EIN number and the wholesale account that can be setup online. Once we receive this information, it will be reviewed, prior to approval.


  • Missouri grown and USDA inspected bare roots with 3-5 eyes.
  • Minimum of 10 of each variety. Sold increments of 10. 
  • Payment method check or money order due within 2 weeks of invoice confirmation.
  • Terms and Conditions apply.

We do not accept online or credit card payments for wholesale orders. Payment is due at the time of ordering via check or money order. Payment details are sent with your email order confirmation. Please note that our wholesale cultivars do not always mirror our retail offerings. If you are looking for something specific after you sign into your account, please contact us directly at [email protected].  


Wholesale shipping begins early October through November, weather permitting. All orders are shipped via USPS Mail. A USPS shipping quote is obtained to estimate shipping costs, which will be added to your order prior to confirmation. An order acknowledgement will be sent via email.


For further questions and details regarding registering for wholesale, please email [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you in the near future.