Duchesse de Nemours


Anemone, the large flower might be bomb double on mature and well grown plants. Generously furnished with petals, the flower has a nice form and boasts a conspicuous rose fragrance. It is of exceptional plant habit, free flowering, vigorous, and produces a substantial, medium height bush. It is an excellent performer in the landscape and…


Anemone, the large flower might be bomb double on mature and well grown plants. The center rises above the saucer of large, white guard petals. Petalode and petal segments open cream with a noticeable pale green pigmentation at the base. The color is more pronounced in cool spring weather and soon fades to white as the flower matures. Generously furnished with petals, the flower has a nice form and boasts a conspicuous rose fragrance. Numerous side buds extend the bloom season. It is of exceptional plant habit, free flowering, vigorous, and produces a substantial, medium height bush. The long stem leans with the open flower and requires support when to be flowered in the landscape. The foliage is deep green and remains healthy throughout the growing season. It remains among an elite group of historic varieties that withstood the test of time. It is an excellent performer in the landscape and a great choice for the cut flower garden.

Awards, Best Use & Distinctions 
Best Fragrant®; Best Cut®; Historic variety; RHS Award of Garden Merit; rose fragrance; general garden and landscape use; perennial border; cut flower garden; deer resistant; cutter in commercial use.

Basic Growing Requirements
Full Sun. Water as needed, sensitive to over-watering and waterlogged conditions. Soil pH 6.5-7. Fertile, well-draining soil.

The image(s) above shows the actual cultivar named and described on this page. The pictures are a fair and accurate depiction of the flowers as they are, in vivo, and are not staged or altered otherwise. The descriptions are based on our experience with plants that are grown by us here in NW Missouri.