The large (6-inch), single flower opens in shades of white to blush to fuchsia. The brilliant fuchsia color is most saturated near the base of the petals and bleeds outward across the center of the otherwise blush segments with white edges. Initially, the color is intense but will fade over time in full sun. The mature flower shows silvery mauve with a dusting of lavender across the center of the petal segments. The flower opens completely, the petals nearly reclining when fully open, reveal a large cluster of golden yellow stamens. The pollen baring anthers surround a noticeable set of carpels, the stigma are deep rose red. The bright center offsets pleasantly the lavender shades of the petals. The scent of the flower is slight, typically it is not noticeable. Honeybees visit the flowers where they find a rich source of pollen. This variety is fertile both ways, producing pollen and seeds freely. The fool’s-hat shape and the dark purple color of the seed pods bestow further ornamental qualities to this variety. It is a unique cultivar and is unlike any other varieties currently offered in the marketplace.
The substantial bush boasts an excellent upright plant habit. It is vigorous, fast to increase and produces a lush, verdant, 36-inch-tall bush within 4 years of planting. The clump is large when fully grown and may reach a diameter of more than 4-feet across. It is a prolific bloomer, covering the plant with a layer of color. Each flowering stem has a large main bloom and 1 to 4 side buds that open over time and extend the bloom season. The flower buds are round and of the shape and size of shooter marbles (¾ to 1-inch). Typically, this variety flowers for about 10 days, sometimes 15 days in cool spring weather. The stalks of the side buds are quite long and carry them above the main flower. The blooms sit well above the canopy of the dark blue green foliage. The large leaflets are of leathery substance, the cuticle waxy and polished. The bush is well clothed in foliage from top to bottom. Here in Missouri the foliage remains clean and healthy throughout the growing season and seems to exhibit a moderate degree of resistance toward fungal disease such as black spot and mildew. It seems not to be particularly susceptible to Botrytis.
Self-supporting, strong stems are erect and of burnished bronze color. The stems retain this dark color throughout the growing season. After the bloom, the carpels mature into seed pods of a dark purple color. The bush holds its shape well against inclement weather events. The stems are self-supporting and staking not needed under normal growing conditions. This cultivar provides attractive ornamental qualities throughout the growing season. It is an eye catcher that is visible from a distance. An outstanding variety for the flower garden, the sunny border and it is particularly effective in mass plantings.
Awards, Best Use & Distinction
Best Landscaper®; Our Own Peonies; BeeLoved®; general garden and landscape use; perennial border; mass plantings; deer resistant; hybridizing; attracts pollinators and honeybees.
Basic Growing Requirements
Full Sun. Water as needed, sensitive to over-watering and waterlogged conditions. Soil pH 6.5-7. Fertile, well-draining soil.
The image(s) above shows the actual cultivar named and described on this page. The pictures are a fair and accurate depiction of the flowers as they are, in vivo, and are not staged or altered otherwise. The descriptions are based on our experience with plants that are grown by us here in NW Missouri.