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What can you expect to receive when you get peonies from us?
The quick answer, high quality roots.
Bare Roots
Our peonies are grown right here in the Midwest. The USDA and the Missouri Department of Agriculture regularly inspects our fields, plants and roots in order to maintain the highest quality rootstock possible. Therefore, our root divisions meet and commonly exceed the industry number 1 grade – three to five “eyes” (the common name for matured shoot buds). While this statement applies to our divisions in general, some sorts grow inherently irregular roots and may be smaller in size and in some instances have very small or very few eyes. This is the case with various rare and novel sorts.

Most varieties will have roots with as many eyes and as large size as possible. Varieties that produce smaller root structure are identified in their respective cultivar description. Although the size of the roots depends on the particular cultivar, we intend to send out enough root volume per “eye” to support first year growth all the way to a flower. Many of our roots will produce flowers in the first year after planting. Since we cut our divisions from matured plants that are at least 3 to 5 years old, flower bud initials are already established. While this does not assure the flower develops at your site, it is made possible.