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We are a registered Missouri peony grower & hybridizer. Our peonies come directly from our farm to you.

We Dig Peonies! ™

M-F 8:00AM-4:00PM CST

(660) 851-1560


Hollingsworth Peonies
PO Box 233
Maryville, MO 64468

Best Landscaper®
'Karen Gray'

Spring Sun
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Best Landscaper® 'Spring Sun'
Origin.: (Hollingsworth, 2021)
Group: Herbaceous Hybrid
Bloom period: Early
Bloom week: 2 & 3
Flower form: Double
Height: Medium
USDA Zone: 3 to 7
Item number: 3442


The full double flower opens clear bright yellow. The pigments are even and clean throughout the bloom. The color is quite durable especially when cut and opened indoors. The petals eventually fade in the sun and transition pale to nearly cream when petals drop. Generously furnished with petals, it unfurls to an exhibition quality flower of formal form and heavy substance. Broad outer petals surround rows of smaller segments. The inner petals meander and loop in an intricate pattern, grading narrower toward the middle, occasionally accented by faint crimson edges on the innermost petals ends. One pleasantly fragrant flower and an occasional side bud are born on a straight stem. This peony has an excellent plant habit. It is vigorous and the increase is above average, growing a large clump within a few years of planting. The clump abounds with flowering stems, offering exceptional color on a substantial, medium height bush. The blooms are borne close to the foliage imparting a well-proportioned, pleasing presentation. The stiff stem holds the flower upright but may sag with rain in the opened flower. The presentation benefits by light support. The bush is generously covered with foliage, the color a rich, dark green. Leaflets are broad, oblong and the ends pointed. Upon emergence, the young shoots are bronze color and eventually mature deep green. The durable foliage is healthy and remains attractive for most of the growing season. Both stems and leaflets are quite resistant to fungal pathogens here in NW Missouri and the plant holds it appearance well through the season. This variety yields fine stems for the vase and both the flower type and color are still quite rare in early opening peonies. This variety boasts many superior attributes and is an outstanding choice for the cut flower garden and worthy of a centerpiece in the perennial border. Undoubtedly one of the best cultivars bred by Don Hollingsworth.

Awards, Best Use & Distinctions 
Best Landscaper®; Best Cut®; Best Fragrant®; Our Own Peonies; APS Seedling Certificate of Merit and Best Seedling, 2019; APS Court of Honor; rare variety; exhibition variety; general garden and landscape use; perennial border; cut flower garden; deer resistant; cutter in commercial use. 

Basic Growing Requirements
Full Sun. Water as needed, sensitive to overwatering and waterlog conditions. Soil pH 6.5-7. Fertile, well-draining soil.

Disclosure: The image(s) above shows the actual cultivar named and described on this page. The pictures are a fair and accurate depiction of the flowers as they are, in vivo, and are not staged or altered otherwise. The descriptions are based on our experience with plants that are grown by us here in NW Missouri. All images and information presented are subject to US Copyright ©, cultivar names may be subject to US Registered Trademark ®, and/or subject to specific breeder rights such as US Plant Patent and/or USDA Plant Variety Protection as well as specific State of Missouri crop protection laws, and all rights thereto are reserved. Please note plant size, color, and health is due to a variety of environmental factors so results cannot be guaranteed and additionally that different web browsers may display colors slightly differently. These varieties may not be propagated commercially or exported without specific license and may be subject to export/import regulations. For inquiry send a written letter to Hollingsworth Peonies, P.O. Box 233, Maryville, MO 64468.


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APS Court of Honor, APS Seedling Certificate of Merit and Best Seedling, 2019.

Herbaceous Hybrid. Parentage: records Lost. Fertile pollen.

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Hollingsworth Peonies® | Best Landscaper® | Best Cut® | BeeLoved® | Best Fragrant® | U.S. Registered Trademarks. 
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