Received January 14, 2021. Seedling number: Hollingsworth 3442. Parentage unknown (records misplaced), although the form and season of bloom suggests the legacy of ÂSunny Boy'. First year bloomed 2004, first propagated 2005. The fully DOUBLE flowers (two-stage double), normally borne one per stem, are typically heavy with petals, opening at the cusp of the Early and Early Midseason periods (2nd - 3rd weeks). Opening buds are a clear bright yellow (RHS:4B-C), the color becoming lighter in sunlight. Carpels 3-4 in number, white, normally small and distorted but expected to be fertile when found with normal anatomy as on immature plants. Stigmas pale pinkish hues, the color bleeding down into tops of carpels. Pollen-bearing stamens found as a thin ring embedded among the petals, filaments reddish-purple at the base (25%) and light yellow to the top. Staminodal disc obscure existing as barely discernable, red-purple pink nodules. No notes on fragrance. New shoots upon emergence are bronze, maturing deep green. Upright self-supporting growth, 32-34 inches (81-86 cm). Plants are vigorous, stems sturdy, well clothed with foliage. Increase rate is especially good. Both stems and leaflets tend to resist infestation by disfiguring pathogens, the plant appearance holding well through the season. Received both Seedling Certificate of Merit, and Best Seedling, at 2019 APS exhibition, Ames, Iowa.