Full double, the medium size flower opens pink and yellow. Two layers of pink petals are separated by a full collar of light yellow staminodes. The mildly fragrant flower is of well-tailored but unusual form. It is a vigorous grower forming a substantial, medium height bush. Flowered stems will arch especially if exposed to rain. The bush habit lends to concealed support mechanics. Broad leaflets are of medium green color and remain attractive well into autumn. This variety is a unique choice for the perennial border and the cut flower garden.
Awards, Best Use & Distinctions
Best Landscaper®; Our Own Peonies; general garden and landscape use; perennial border; deer resistant.
Basic Growing Requirements
Full Sun. Water as needed, sensitive to overwatering and waterlog conditions. Soil pH 6.5-7. Fertile, well-draining soil.
Disclosure: The image(s) above shows the actual cultivar named and described on this page. The pictures are a fair and accurate depiction of the flowers as they are, in vivo, and are not staged or altered otherwise. The descriptions are based on our experience with plants that are grown by us here in NW Missouri. All images and information presented are subject to US Copyright ©, cultivar names may be subject to US Registered Trademark ®, and/or subject to specific breeder rights such as US Plant Patent and/or USDA Plant Variety Protection as well as specific State of Missouri crop protection laws, and all rights thereto are reserved. Please note plant size, color, and health is due to a variety of environmental factors so results cannot be guaranteed and additionally that different web browsers may display colors slightly differently. These varieties may not be propagated commercially or exported without specific license and may be subject to export/import regulations. For inquiry send a written letter to Hollingsworth Peonies, P.O. Box 233, Maryville, MO 64468.